Showpack flat bottom bags, for instance
Thats good plastic Dustbin news given that three times as many foreign made products than American made products were recalled by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) in 2008, according to the Web site BuyDirectUSA. These additional shrink label measures further ensure the safety integrity of the contents. It is anticipated that other retailers and manufacturers will soon follow suit in this environmentally friendly packaging cutback. The adult really needs to take away those packaging materials, [the U. But what further complicates the toy safety situation is the very packaging that aims at securing the gifts contents can quickly become an injury trap in and of itself. Consumer Product Safety Commission spokesperson] Fleming says, noting such choking hazards as twist ties, shrink wrap and small plastic anchors. Showpack flat bottom bags, for instance, offer the latest technology in pre made, side gusseted, true flat bottom shrink label bags.The holiday season ...